Our Classes

M/W/F Classes

Our M/W/F classes are for 4-year-old students entering kindergarten during the following school year. Both morning (9-11:30) and afternoon (12:30-3) times are available each year. Students for this class must be 4 by the start of the school year they are registered for. Class sizes are small with a maximum of 8 students in each class. The small class sizes allow each student to have more one-on-one attention than other preschools. The focus of these classes is preparing for kindergarten in terms of phonics, letter and sound recognition, counting and basic math skills, social skills, and developing a love for learning and school.

T/TH Classes

Our T/TH classes are for 3 or 4 year-old students NOT entering kindergarten during the following school year. Both morning (9-11:30) and afternoon (12:30-3) times are available each year. Students for this class must be 3 by the start of the school year they are registered for. Students must be toilet trained with very few accidents. Class sizes are small with a maximum of 6 students in each class. The small class sizes allow each student to have more one-on-one attention than other preschools. The focus of these classes is getting students used to school. Students are introduced to letters and sounds, numbers and counting, art, science, and more. Developing social skills through play-based learning is vital for this age group.

Summer Camps

During the summer months, summer classes may be offered for 1-2 weeks at a time. These classes are posted in the spring and become available for registration. Summer classes focus around different themes.

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Register your child for Junior Explorers Preschool today!